
Här har ni dresscoden för alla skolor som tillhör Chippewa Valley Schools (är tre high schools plus några elementary schools osv). Ganska basic tack och lov, inget alltför jobbigt! Ska dock bli kul att se amerikanarnas klädstil, den är ju inte som svenskars har man ju hört i alla fall! Men lär ju sticka ut som enda utbytesstudenten ändå så.

The Chippewa Valley Schools Secondary Schools Student Code of Conduct outlines expectations for dress and grooming on pages sixteen and seventeen. Highlights of the expectations for dress and grooming are as follows:

While fashion changes, the reason for being in school does not. Students are in school to learn. Any fashion (dress, accessory, or hairstyle) that disrupts the educational process or presents a safety risk will not be permitted. Personal expression is permitted within these general guidelines.


Dress and grooming are the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian. The student must be clean and well groomed. Shoes must be worn at all times. Dress and grooming must not be hazardous to any educational activity, nor may it be damaging to property, sexually offensive or violate reasonable standards of safety, health, hygiene or decency. School authorities reserve the right to prohibit and regulate any items of clothing or personal possessions which are, or could be, unsafe, unhealthy, or disruptive to the regular routine of the school. No garment/jewelry/tattoos can be worn while on the grounds or in the building that advertise tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Also designs/pictures/symbols or language are not allowed if they are sexually suggestive or vulgar/profane. Similarly, designs/pictures/symbols or language on clothing are not allowed that defames or harasses any person or group of people, promotes deviant/violent/indecent behavior, or states/suggests disloyalty to our country or school. This is viewed as distracting from a positive and secure school climate. Students will be required to change clothing before returning to class.


The following are prohibited from school and school related activities: tank tops, halter/tube tops, short tops exposing waistline, shirts excessively unbuttoned, exposed undergarments, sunglasses, head scarves, sweat bands, bandannas, mesh shirts, see-through materials, low cut styles, short shorts/skirts, cut offs, ripped garments, and pants not worn at the waistline. All clothing must extend beyond the student's fingertips while standing with arms at their side, and all shirts must cover the shoulder.

All hats, book bags, gym bags, backpacks and overcoats are prohibited from being worn and carried in the building. Hats are to be removed immediately upon entering the building and can only be worn after exiting the building. Coats may be worn upon arrival and when leaving the building. Hats/coats can be confiscated without warning and returned only as specified by the administration.


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